Efficient Form Management

Discover how Better Collected can streamline your form management, enhance user trust, and ensure data privacy. Learn about key features and best practices for optimizing your data collection process.

Better Collected

Data collection is a crucial aspect of any business, but managing form submissions and ensuring data privacy can be challenging. Better Collected is here to help you become a better data collector and make your form management process more efficient and secure.

In this blog post, we'll explore how Better Collected can enhance your data collection process, improve user trust, and ensure data privacy. We'll also share some best practices to optimize your form management workflow.

Better Collected connects with your favorite form providers like Google Forms and Typeform, making it easy to manage all your form submissions in one user-friendly platform. By consolidating your forms, you can save time and effort while maintaining a clear overview of your collected data.

Empower Users and Uphold Data Rights

Respecting users' data rights is essential for building trust and maintaining compliance with privacy regulations. Better Collected offers a branded self-service portal where users can access, review, and request deletion of their submissions. This transparency demonstrates your commitment to data privacy and security.

Custom URLs and Improved SEO

With Better Collected, you can replace default form provider URLs with branded ones that better represent your business. Custom URLs not only improve your brand identity but also optimize your search engine rankings, making it easier for users to find your forms online.

Scalable and Customizable Plans

Better Collected offers Free, Pro, and Enterprise plans to suit businesses of all sizes. You can start with the Free plan and upgrade to the Pro plan as your needs grow. Customize your experience with add-ons to ensure you have the perfect solution for your unique form management requirements.

Best Practices for Optimizing Your Form Management Workflow

To make the most of Better Collected, follow these best practices for efficient form management:

  • Regularly review and update your forms to ensure they collect the necessary information and comply with the latest privacy regulations.
  • Use custom URLs to improve your brand visibility and SEO performance.
  • Monitor user activity in the self-service portal to identify trends and areas for improvement.
  • Train your team on how to use Better Collected effectively and securely.

By implementing these best practices, you can maximize the benefits of Better Collected and create a more efficient and secure data collection process.


Better Collected is a powerful tool for businesses looking to streamline form management, improve user trust, and ensure data privacy. By integrating popular form providers, offering custom URLs, and empowering users with a branded self-service portal, Better Collected enables businesses to become better data collectors. Start using Better Collected today and revolutionize your data collection process.