Is your Google Form Data Safe with Better Collected?

Learn how Better Collected's Google-approved integration ensures the safety and security of your form data, and how you can trust us with your data collection needs.

Better Collected

As a user of Better Collected, you might be wondering about the safety and security of your form data when using our platform. With the rise of data breaches and privacy concerns, it's natural to be cautious about where your data goes and how it's handled. In this blog post, we'll explain how Better Collected's Google-approved integration ensures the safety of your form data and why you can trust us with your data collection needs.

Google's Approval: A Seal of Trust

Better Collected's integration with Google Forms has been reviewed and approved by Google. Without approval, you'd see a warning that the app is not verified. Approval means that our platform meets their security and privacy standards. By earning Google's approval, Better Collected demonstrates its commitment to maintaining the highest level of security and privacy for your form data.

Robust Security Measures

Better Collected takes the security of your form data very seriously. We employ industry-standard security measures, including encryption for data transmission and storage, to protect your data from unauthorized access.

Compliance with Data Privacy Regulations

In addition to our robust security measures, Better Collected is strives to fully compliant with data privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA. We are dedicated to upholding user data rights and have implemented stringent privacy policies to ensure that your form data is collected, processed, and stored responsibly.

Transparency and User Empowerment

Better Collected provides users with easy access to view and request deletion of their submitted data, fostering trust and transparency. By giving users control over their data, we help businesses maintain compliance with data protection regulations and demonstrate their commitment to user privacy.

In Conclusion

With Better Collected's Google-approved integration, you can rest assured that your form data is safe and secure. Our platform's commitment to security, privacy, and user empowerment means that you can trust us with your data collection needs. Give Better Collected a try and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your form data is in good hands.

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